Tag Archives: vermicomposting

Worm Composting Update

We have compost and more worms!

I have only been feeding my worms about once every 10 days since I didn’t have many worms and they were slow to eat.  Last time I fed them, I didn’t have time to play around in the bin to see what was going on in there.  I had moved them to the garage last week since it has been in the upper 80’s and lower 90’s here and I don’t really have anywhere in the yard that is shaded all day.

I went to feed them today and noticed that a couple were trying to escape, which usually isn’t a good thing since it can mean that the conditions aren’t up to par.  I dug around in there a little and noticed it was a little wet.  With the high temps and being a dark container, it was most likely due to condensation from when it was outside.  It wasn’t wet enough to drip out of the bottom, but still pretty damp.  I dug around and noticed there were worms everywhere.  Usually I would have to dig a little to find them and they’d all be clumped together.  This time they were all spread out and there were twice as many as before.  I didn’t see any babies, they all seemed normal sized, but I’m not sure how fast they grow.  Like I said, it had been almost a month since I had dug through it.  Also, the food that I put in there last time was gone and the corn cobs have disappeared.

There was also quite a bit of compost.  Not nearly enough to harvest yet, but enough that when you open it up and lift the bedding, you see what looks like dirt.  I’m pretty excited about that.  So today I cleaned out one of the crispers in the fridge and noticed some grapes that had got a little icky and had a little mold so the worms got a little treat today.